Dose of Leadership Podcast - Richard Rierson with guest Kevin Kunz

           Kunz heard more about sleep testing after his mother and brother went through the process of the sleep study in-lab. “Wichita wasn’t doing it.

I started on $5,000. I knew that we do it in the person’s home at ⅓ of the cost.

It’s difficult to sleep in a foreign place, per his mother and brother’s experience for an in-lab sleep study. Kunz’s mother and brother went to a lab for sleep studies just for them to not sleep. Kunz had heard about DOT physicals since his dad was a truck driver & no diagnosis from the study that was done in-lab. Kunz realized that pilots, DOT drivers, and many were pushing sleep testing due to the rise in fatal accidents. People know that sleeping in a foreign place can be difficult and especially frustrating when you have so many wires hooked up all over your body that tracks who knows what!

Obviously, they didn’t sleep and received a $2,000 bill when going in for the sleep lab testing process, just to get inconclusive results. 

He recalls starting in an office without a bathroom. He now owns two locations in Wichita, Kansas City, and is still looking to expand with a debt-free company.

We have only taken out one loan for $12,000. Kunz has gone to many Sleep Conventions throughout the United States. “ It’s amazing to see the change - Devices are getting smaller, and the industry embraced it.”

The devices are easier and small for the patient’s ease of use.

There are other entrepreneurs who didn’t know how they would do it, but they got through. Kunz remembers his dad telling him, “If you worry yourself sick, are you gonna pay the bill?” When you step away from the issue or problem that you are facing, you find a solution easier since you are thinking with a more clear mind.

The process started when the primary doctor and a patient would talk.

If the patient is coming into their doctor’s office to talk about an issue, it’s a problem.

The primary doctors would send it to a sleep doctor, and start the  process in a sleep lab and go through it 5-6 times in-lab. “It was always done that way,” Kunz states, “Insurance dictated how sleep studies would go.” Blue Cross Blue Shield of Kansas was the first insurance company that was in-network and offered to try out the home sleep diagnostic testing claim. Now, the Home Sleep Diagnostic Testing is the first option for any sleep testing. Sleeptopia started a revolution of at home sleep medicine in Wichita. Sleeptopia receives hundreds of orders a month for patient’s to complete a home sleep study. By offering at-home sleep tests, we are able to offer services to farmers, who don’t have time to go into the city for an entire day or truck drivers who are on the road all day. We offer small devices to take with you wherever you may be sleeping, and perform an at-home sleep diagnostic test. “People snore all the time.” Kunz continues,” if anything - do it for the wife,” he jokes.

In an interview with Richard Rierson on the “Dose of Leadership” Podcast, Rierson and Kunz talk about his entrepreneurship successes.

What did you see yourself doing?

Kevin started out playing basketball in college, and like many collegiate sport players, he wanted to go to the professional league. Kunz remembers being extremely competitive, since he looked to his brother as a great example. Kunz recalls living in the moment. “40 to 50 years old seems so far away to a college student.” He was studying to be a lawyer since he has a mindset to serve. He wanted to help people that couldn’t afford help and so he began studying law. He wanted to serve or help those people in need. He was soon drawn to a different path that would change his life. Kevin had a great mentor in Dallas, TX, that motivated and inspired Kunz to get into the industry that he was passionate about. Kevin started as a driver for a healthcare company and eventually worked his way up into sales. A different path called his name. He REALLY gets to help people. 

Have you always seen yourself as a leader? Entrepreneur?

“Growing up and through high school - I didn’t know what to do. Every senior is confident to a certain degree, but I didn’t know what that was for me. I grew up in a small community. So I didn’t know what I wanted to be. Back then, I was looking up to athletes, now I find myself looking up to entrepreneurs.” He continues to talk about his entrepreneurial experiences as a child. “My mother encouraged me to start helping farmers with a friend when I was 13 years old.” He didn’t quite like all that he was required to do, so he started a lawn care business as a 13 year old. He didn’t know how to do it correctly or have a good example. With entrepreneurs, you think you’re ready until you face your first set of challenges.” I dove in, ready, stepped past fear, ready to jump.” 

Was it lightning in a bottle or a slow process (in reference to the idea of Sleeptopia)?

“My dad was a truck driver, and so I saw all of the things that he went through. Same goes for pilots, drivers, etc. I was frustrated that there was no diagnosis after my mother and brother had in-lab sleep study.” Kunz took more of a protective son and brother approach. “There will be frustrating life events which will lead you to invest in the charted path that hasn't been invented.” On the East and West coast, home sleep studies were popping up more and more, but many were hesitant since change can be scary. In lab sleep testing would cost around $2,000 to $3,000, but with at-home sleep testing, it’s a fraction of that price. “I started believing in the right things, to save people money,” Kunz commented. Kunz started with 5 to 7 studies, turned frustration into helpfulness, and seven years into the Home Sleep Study business, Kunz is still excited. He states, “There’s a big market out there! It’s a sad thing to have to deal with, but it’s good that we can be a tool in the doctor’s belt. We have been seeing more kids and teens that are needing to be tested.” Kunz says “ With everything in medicine, awareness is in the population.” When people start talking about it more, there will be more awareness around it.

What’re the unexpected setbacks?

Everything! WSU fantastic business program - however, you come across unknown variables. For me, half of the insurance companies weren’t sure, but the other half was experimental with the idea of Home Sleep Testing. I remember having to fight for insurance and reimbursements.” Kunz goes on to recommend having a circle around people who were teachers, encouragers, and motivators. “There are going to be moments when you wanna throw in the towel, but if you have good friends to cheer on, and know that they are in your corner, you can do this. It takes a team. You can’t do it alone. The challenge has been faced before,” Rierson states. “It is so easy to lose faith in the first couple years. Every single entrepreneur experiences those ‘in the mud moments.’ You can be constantly in the mud, but the mud may be a puddle or you could be drowning in it. You have to realize that you can’t always get out by yourself,” Rierson finishes. Having strong people around you helps to get you where you want to be. Position yourself around strong people. “I have the highest regard for my wife - She’s the most amazing person you could meet. Most people tolerate me, but love her.” Kunz says.

How do people find Sleeptopia?

 Are people triggered by waking up through the night? Finding through their doctor or finding people?

Customers realize that they may have an issue when they find themselves waking up multiple times throughout the night. Anyone can speak with their doctor about what they are experiencing. It’s integral to keep the doctor in the loop. We ask that the person experiencing the issue speak with a doctor or their doctor’s nurse. If someone goes into the doctor’s office, there’s a reason. Maybe it is something that someone doesn’t know how to fix on their own, and that is where Sleeptopia comes in! We are a tool in the doctor’s belt! Our motto is “Don’t ignore the snore,” and we mean it! Everyone knows somebody, and we want to help! We talk to the doctors , and we tell them things that help. One thing that Kunz wants to perceive with Sleep Apnea is that it is weight related, but sleep apnea is also genetic. If Sleep Apnea goes untreated, it can cause life-threatening events - such as high blood pressure, oxygen desaturation, weight gain, daytime somnolence, cardiovascular disease, and more. Kunz is very passionate because his grandfather passed away due to a massive heart attack.

What are the priorities in your life?

Kunz begins, “Priorities are all encompassing. Sometimes it’s the business, sometimes it’s the family. It’s all about balance. Be organized, and love what you do. I love where Sleeptopia is at right now. As long as you can do the balancing act with sturdy people around you, you can do anything.” There will be a certain awareness that you perceive as who you are and what you value in life. Some will argue that you can’t have both, but they also mention that success is lopsided.” A main focus of Kunz is his family. He makes constant effort with each one of his 5 children. Once he leaves the office, he leaves his worries at the office. He mentions that business can be a challenge when trying to focus. Thoughts will come in and disturb you, trying to take your attention away from what you are focused on.

“It all depends on how intentional you are with improvement.”

Kunz states, “A constant battle is trying to be present in the moment. All of the ‘what if’s…’ are in the future and don’t even exist yet. Thinking about the past, all you have is the present moment, and the present moment is everything. All you have is right now to accomplish what you want. Accept what is, and keep going strong.” Kunz continues, “We all know those big names; what I do is study and learn from them.” Look at things differently, and know that one solution isn’t the only way to accomplish the task. It’s not an either or, but more of an open area with multiple pathways.”

What are some of your personal habits?

“I know I need to exercise more,” Kunz said ironically. He likes routines, and to find a steady and consistent pattern. Everyday he gets up early, goes through emails, at 8 am the phone starts going off, then Kunz goes into the office, then off to whatever the kids are doing. His children are a priority and he wants to teach his ideals to the children. He wants them to be successful and to be a mentor when he can. He loves coming home to his excited children, and he matches their excitement. “Priority is in the moment - whether it’s in a moment, a business, or someone. It’s all in the intentionality behind each thing. Be intentional, and sometimes that means that there is a lot of work.”

Why all of the sudden in the past 5 years should it affect people?

People don’t just all of the sudden get old, it happens over time. “Sleep hygiene is the biggest thing - 1. Ask what’s your sleep hygiene. Are you going to bed at a specific time? watching tv?” Kunz emphasizes, “2. Talk to your doctor to determine why it’s starting to notice more - high blood pressure for example. Our bodies are amazing! They’re constantly changing!”

What’s next?

“I am so thankful to have such solid relationships in Wichita. I plan on building off of what other people built in the past to create awareness of sleep apnea and dangers of it. A lot of people have just laughed it off, and Sleep Apnea is a dangerous thing. We want to create awareness and help people sleep better and feel better.” Kunz wants people to know that we provide home sleep tests that can start you on the journey to better sleep. Just because you get tested doesn’t mean you go immediately to a CPAP, it’s to get you in the direction that you need to go!




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